We are a global family business that manufactures exciting products for the food industry. If you want to be actively involved in the production of your favorite breakfast cereals- or be the first to know about the latest food trends and support the implementations, then apply for one of the listed positions or send us your unsolicited application. Become a part of our motivated and friendly team.
FB Food is an innovative company in the field of production and development of breakfast cereals and mixtures for the baking and confectionery industry.
Due to permanent growth we are regularly looking for new employees. We offer crisis-proof, modern jobs with motivated colleagues, social benefits and the opportunity to develop individually in our company. Start your career with us now and apply for a vacancy.
Durch unser stetiges Wachstum entstehen regelmäßig neue spannende Positionen. Wir suchen immer wieder Expert:innen im Bereich Qualitätsmanagement, Vertrieb, Lebensmitteltechnik, Anlagen- und Maschinentechnik, Mitarbeiter für die Produktion oder in der Verwaltung.
Kommen Sie auf uns zu und lernen Sie uns kennen: Egal ob Sie sofort oder erst später eine neue Position suchen. Sagen Sie uns, welche Erfahrungen Sie mitbringen und wo Sie sich einbringen möchten.
Wir behandeln Ihre Bewerbung streng vertraulich und ein Gespräch kann gerne auch außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten stattfinden.
Lassen Sie uns sprechen: 0771 / 897 59 0 (Doris Fesenmeyer) oder schreiben Sie uns:
We train the following commercial and technical professions:
Industrial clerks (with additional qualification e.g. international trading)
Office clerks
Warehouse logistics specialist
Food technology specialist
Food technology machine and plant operator
Combined degree course - Industry / Food Management
Still not sure?
Come and spend a few days with us for a practical internship and experience what it's like to work here.
Let's talk about your entrance into professional life
You have the option of choosing a different focus for some of our apprenticeships. Please feel free to contact us in advance on 0771/ 897 59-0.
We look forward to receiving your application at
Tell us your wishes and requirements - we will find the best solution together.
Sabine Ruhhammer
Telephone: 0771 89759- 1210
Sabine Ruhhammer